Friday, November 25, 2005

My Pop: World War II B24 Bomber Pilot

I'm real proud of my dad. He flew 27 missions as a squadron leader in 1945. He came back. He married my mom. He had me. My dad is of "The Greatest Generation."

Here is a mission picture.... And here is a link to the forum my dad frequents to share his WWII experiences in heavy bombers...

and another...

This is my mom and dad today. Mom and I went to see a Matisse exhibit today. My dad did his thing. They are amazing people. I love them beyond explanation.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your mom and dad. I, too, was a B-24 pilot and flew in the Pacific for the 43rd Bomb Group of the 5th Air Corp. My wife and I celebrated our 60th anniversary this year and we send our very best wishes to your parents.Bill Craig
