Saturday, March 28, 2009

Suwannee Springfest

My other favorite performers were Ruth Unger Merenda, her husband Michael, and baby Will. Will has the music in his genes, or maybe something else! You'd think after three years with this camera I could get a decent picture but you get the drift!
Their brand new CD, Waltz of The Chicadee is terrific! I grabbed it from the CD table right off and it is worth every penny! These kids are fabulous musicians and entertainers. We will be hearing from them for years to come, thank goodness! Grandpa Jay Unger played in my dining room years ago, in another life!

Suwannee Springhouse...a favorite swimming hole.

Oh, oh, mommy! I gotta make a poopy!

I would have had more but the photography police stopped me. Boo boo!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Azaleas, Trixie and the sunset

Piney Z at dusk
These are the azaleas at dawn.

Trixie with a spring hairdo. "So you were faking about the treats, huh girly? I don't see no alligators"

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Ivory-billed Woodpecker Rediscovered !!!!!

Mom and I took a ride down to the St Mark's wildlife refuge to enjoy the day. This ivory billed woodpecker followed me home. At last, a clear photo! Pay up, Cornell!!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Wacissa... just before spring erupts

I have been out on the river several times in the past month. It has been cold, windy, foggy and this morning, when I launched just before dawn, I watched the sun slither up the trees and undulate across the western bank. Such light in the dawn. and hi gargoyle. When will I finally hear your piano...on a street in Amsterdam?

The woodstork below was soaring high over the river at dusk a few days ago.

I have been watching these traps for a few months. They finally disappeared last week. What type are they, I wonder? And whose were they?

Egrets mating dance. It was dusk and I couldn't get a clear shot but the image conveys the dance, I think, anyway.

This red shouldered hawk was roused by airboats this morningabout 7:30am.

This lone blackbird was singing a distinctive song this morning just after dawn.

Winter webs held dew.