Sunday, April 01, 2007

Amazing Diving Dog!

I went out on the Wacissa tonight about five o'clock to enjoy the afternoon after a long day of yard work. Yesterday I painted the porch railing as well, so I was ready for a float! The pileated woodpeckers swarmed into Blue Spring about seven, as the sun was going down but I couldn't get a good picture so I'll put up Bijorn's photo from last week and one of a small heron fishing in the spring. The river was nearly empty tonight and I paddled upstream amidst the alligator grunts, at sundown.

Dad will like these pictures. Where are you dad? Are you back from the Caribbean?


  1. Look! You *are* paddling!!! Nice to see a post, and Bjorn, who's becoming a fixture there at the springs.

    (They want me to verify this twice...don't "approve" it twice, though...)

  2. I'm back! see you Friday
    Love Dad

  3. I love that dog... It is tough as nails ands annoying as hell, but he always puts a smile on my face.vqihlg
