Sunday, I decided to go mountain biking along the Lafayette Heritage Trail which runs through PineyZ park. I am charmed with this park, its biking and hiking trails, and its seven fishing fingers on PineyZ Lake. This is a shot of the eastern side of the lake where I got off my mountain bike to walk the deer trail along the spongy bank.

This alligator was sunning on one of the islands near the sixth fishing finger. He appeared to be about nine or ten feet long! Really a behemoth! I would not want to run into him while kayaking!

This is what a live oak hammock looks like for those of you who are unfamiliar with live oaks.

This osprey may be the mate to the one sitting atop her nest in the middle of the lake.

These are flowers gracing the edges of the bike trail.
That alligator spooks me. I don't want any, either.