Tuesday, November 22, 2005

PCS Phosphate Pond Kayaking

After a soothing night at the Stephen Foster Memorial Park cabins on the Suwannee, I decided to find a different kind of place to kayak on Sunday. The PCS (PotashCorp of Saskatchewan, Inc.)
phosphate wildlife management area is north of White Springs and a small map I got at the Park showed ponds.

This great blue heron was in the pines while I kayaked. I saw an egret, an anhinga, and cormorants as well as ducks. I am now keeping a birding log which can be picked up at the the SFMP office.

This is a picture of the ponds I chose to kayak in. These ponds are very deep. The wildlife is abundant because the area is undisturbed by airboats and had only fishermen while I was there. It was overcast and also began to rain so my photos are a bit dark.

Here is a sign marking the wildlife area. The area is off highway 41, across from Genoa. Of course my friends disapprove of having anything to do with the many phosphate mines of Florida!

1 comment:

  1. Those ponds look interesting! If they were just a little bit closer to me, I'd head out there too--I love anyplace that you can photograph herons!
