The green herons are beginning to show the bright plumage and orange legs of breeding season.

There are flocks of ibis on the river. It was a good Friday.

Although the birds aren't as numerous as in past years presently, they are still companions on the deadfall along the river. I think the apple snails were killed off which makes the limpkins go elsewhere for their favorite lunch.

Lots of snakes on the river. I seem to see more now that I am aware of them. More startling than alligators, actually. and I don't know which ones to avoid, yet.

The Suwannee cooters are out enjoying the warmth. I was downright hot in my long sleeved cotton shirt and felt swoonish a couple times while I was out. It's time to get used to the heat.

I saw several swallow-tailed kites today.

I really did enjoy the heat and sunshine today. The water is very high but it was clear. I also heard baby barred owls but I could not find the nest cavity even though I search for twenty minutes in the area I heard them. Maybe next time. I expect to go out this coming week as I am going to make more time during the week to enjoy the dharma of the river.
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